Here is the interviews page... You can find here everything I've found about Clea... There aren't the film reviews because they not often speak about Clea and because finally they are not really interesting.... I prefer watch the movie and have my own opinion....

There is even my own interview! Yep she answered me!... so it's not the best interview but i was among the first to know her birthdate....!!!!

Last updates:

Saturday September 9th 2000: 3 articles were added... Access, Contents and Checkout... There are about But i'm a cheerleader but we can learn moro about Clea DuVall too...

Saturday August 26th 2000: Hi! I know that you're more and more to read this page (thanks Andrea to support me!) so i do my best to have all interviews... Here are the Nylon and Glue interviews... They are really interesting and we learn more about Clea: She likes Britney Spears....! yes that's true she told that! and she wants to write and direct......

Saturday August 12th 2000: Interview from It's about But i'm a cheerleader..

Friday August 11th 2000: Interview from Planet Out... Thanks to Andrea!

Sunday August 6th 2000: Interview on Icast.... this movie site related with altavista... She speak about But i'm a cheerleader... really interesting...